aster Sunday is more than just another Sunday; it's a day we dedicate to remembering Jesus's ultimate victory over death. This day is special because it underscores the essence of our faith: the assurance that our sins are forgiven and that we, too, can look forward to resurrection and eternal life. It's a powerful reminder that nothing we face in life can surpass the power of Christ's victory over sin and death, offering us unparalleled hope and confidence.
Our theme for Easter was "overcome," drawing from the transformative power of the Resurrection story. It's not just about Jesus overcoming death; it's also about the profound change in the disciples and followers of Christ. From despair, fear, and mourning, they moved to joy, courage, and a driven purpose to spread the Gospel across the world. This shift was solely because they witnessed the risen Christ, which changed everything for them.
I recall looking out at the congregation, seeing faces in various stages of their journey. Some were in the thick of struggle, needing to hear and embrace this message of hope. Others had overcome challenges by leaning on Christ, embodying the living testament to the Gospel's transformative power.
To those visiting for the first time on Easter, view the testimonies shared as a beacon of hope, illustrating the ongoing impact of Christ's resurrection in our lives. Whether in the midst of struggle or celebrating victories, each story highlighted the difference embracing the Gospel can make, inviting you to let this power work in your life too.
Mike Rybka,
Lead Pastor