God's Designing Hand

In this message, we explore the profound differences between the biblical account of creation and the theory of evolution. By examining Genesis 1:20-27, we see God's intentional design in creating life according to its kinds. Contrasting this with the evolutionary perspective, we discuss how the evidence aligns more closely with the biblical narrative. Join us as we delve into the second law of thermodynamics, irreducible complexity, the fossil record, and obvious design to uncover the truth about our origins.

In this message, we explore the profound differences between the biblical account of creation and the theory of evolution. By examining Genesis 1:20-27, we see God's intentional design in creating life according to its kinds. Contrasting this with the evolutionary perspective, we discuss how the evidence aligns more closely with the biblical narrative. Join us as we delve into the second law of thermodynamics, irreducible complexity, the fossil record, and obvious design to uncover the truth about our origins.


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