Clark and Dani Ramsey
Rosedale Community Center
Clark and Dani operate Rosedale Community Center, a cross-denominational environment, offering holistic ministry in Appalachia, one of the most impoverished areas in the country.
Emerge Counseling Services
Emerge Counseling Services
Akron, Ohio
Emerge is a growing Christ-centered mental health center providing confidential, compassionate, biblically based, and Spirit-empowered outpatient mental health care. Their team helps bring God’s healing to children, teens, and adults.
Rick and Jonell Barth
Rick and Jonell are serving the Lord by teaching and training future missionaries at Ethnos360’s school in Wisconsin.
CSB Ministries
Christian Service Brigade
Christian Service Brigade is a program geared to shape young men into responsible adult Christian leaders. Dale Kinkade is Greater Ohio Regional Director and our CSB representative.
Stony Glen Camp
Stony Glen Camp
Madison, Ohio
Stony Glen Camp exists to support local ministries in fulfilling the Great Commission by providing a God-glorifying camp setting for bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and making disciples of men, women and children.
Tim and Judi Walton
Akron, Ohio
Tim and Judi are currently serving the Lord with CRU at the University of Akron.
Chaplain Glenn George
Summit County Safety Forces Chaplaincy Center
Summit County, Ohio
Glenn serves as chaplain for the Summit County Sheriff’s Department. He ministers to safety forces families and receives ongoing annual disaster training.
South Street Ministries
South Street Ministries
Akron, Ohio
South Street Ministries is committed to the physical, socio-economic, and spiritual wellbeing of the Akron/Summit Lake neighborhood.
Haven of Rest Ministries
Haven of Rest Ministries
Akron, Ohio
Haven of Rest Ministries provides Christ-centered care to homeless and hungry men, women and children in Northeast Ohio.
Tuvya and Ellen Zaretsky
Jews for Jesus
Tuvya and Ellen are serving the Lord with Jews for Jesus through evangelism and discipleship in America, Israel, and around the world. Tuvya specializes in working with Jewish-Gentile couples.
Pregnancy Solutions
Pregnancy Solutions
Akron, Ohio
Pregnancy Solutions’ purpose is to honor God as they seek to rescue the unborn from abortion, and to lead women to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that redemption will transform their lives and the lives of generations to follow.
The Way Out
Prison Ministry
Northeast Ohio
The Way Out is a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian prison ministry serving Northeast Ohio, committed to proclaiming Christ and providing for the spiritual growth of men and women in correctional facilities in partnership with local churches.
Brian and Kathy Moyer
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Orlando, Florida
Brian and Kathy are serving the Lord at Wycliffe Bible Translators headquarters in Orlando, FL. Brian is serving as Archivist, curator of Wycliffe’s archives, and Kathy serves with the Board of Directors and the President’s office.
Paul and Robin Hardway
Orlando, Florida
Paul and Robin are serving the Lord with CRU at world headquarters in Orlando, FL. They are working in the JESUS film ministry.