Icons from Freepik and Noun Project

November 1, 2023

Journey of Faith and Fellowship

Tuesday Night Bible Studies


very Tuesday night, my home becomes a hub of activity as 15 to 20 young adults, aged 18 to 25, gather. They come from various walks of life, be it from work or their dorm rooms, and by 7:00 PM, we're all together. We play games, chat, savor the delightful snacks Kelly prepares, and delve into a Bible study.

  You might have preconceived notions about this age group, influenced by social media or news. But let me share a glimpse into their hearts. These young adults are justice-minded, deeply caring about the well-being of others and the world around them. They're eager to understand justice from a biblical viewpoint. Surprisingly, they're also keen on spiritual disciplines. Many have approached me, inquiring about prayer, Bible reading, and fasting. Their thirst for knowledge and growth in their relationship with Jesus is palpable.

  A significant aspect of our discussions revolves around redemption stories, like that of Sampson. Many in our group have had challenging pasts, and they're keen to understand how they can live for Christ now. Stories of redemption resonate deeply with them, and it's a joy to witness their journey with Jesus.

  One particular story stands out. A young man, whom I'd been meeting over coffee, grappled with his faith. After numerous conversations, in the middle of a restaurant, he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Tears flowed freely - his, mine, even the server's. This transformation, from skepticism to faith, epitomizes the incredible work God is doing in our group.

Todd Hixenbaugh,

College & Career Leader

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