Icons from Freepik and Noun Project

November 1, 2023

Beyond the Sweets

The Heart of Trunk or Treat


   often find myself amazed at the impact of our community outreach events. This year's Trunk or Treat event stands out as a prime example. We anticipated a good turnout, but the sheer number of families from Coventry Township that packed our parking lot surpassed our wildest expectations! It was a cold day, yet spirits remained high. We gave out so many treats that our candy supplies ran out, leading to a hurried trip to the store. I estimate we handed out between 13,000 to 15,000 pieces of candy. Just take a moment to let that sink in!

  It's not just about the candy or the festive atmosphere. We started the day with a slightly understaffed volunteer team, but as the hours ticked by, more and more church members stepped up, resulting in over 70 dedicated individuals helping out.          

  The highlight of my day was witnessing the fruits of our efforts: a young girl named Emma was baptized earlier that morning. A previous Trunk or Treat event was her family’s first introduction to our church. A simple invitation from friends to this event led them to our congregation and eventually to baptism. That’s the profound impact of these gatherings. It's not merely a party – it's an invitation to connect, to grow, and to find a spiritual home.

  This outreach was a success not only because of the candy or the fun but because of its ability to touch lives. I'm deeply thankful to everyone who played a part in making it a memorable day, and I can't wait to see the long-term fruits of our efforts.

  To all who participated and helped, thank you. You made this more than just an event; you turned it into a meaningful experience for many.

Todd Hixenbaugh,

Children's Ministry Director

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