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December 8, 2023
Β inΒ 

Harmonizing Faith and Learning

Preschool Christmas Program


ach year, our preschool community looks forward to the Christmas program, a heartwarming tradition where parents get to see their children shine on stage. We organize the event over two days, accommodating parents across our varied weekly schedule. It's more than just a show; it's an opportunity for parents to connect with the school and see their children in a joyful, creative light.

The preparation for this special event begins quite early, often around Thanksgiving. Daily practices are a staple, and as the event nears, we shift to stage rehearsals. This process is a significant commitment for both kids and staff, but the excitement and pride on the day of the performance make it all worthwhile.

Beyond the festive cheer, our Christmas program serves a deeper purpose. It often becomes a welcoming point for families who may not regularly attend church. The program piques their interest in our community, leading them to join us for Christmas Eve services and other activities. It's a gentle way to bring new families into our church family.

Reflecting on the first part of the school year, we've navigated some challenges, like the renovations, but overall, it's been rewarding. We're gearing up for more engaging activities in the coming months and are excited about opening registrations for the next academic year in March. It's been fulfilling to watch our preschool grow and offer such enriching experiences to our children.


Debbie Allen

Preschool Director

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