ur Wild Game Dinner is an event designed for anyone with a taste for wild game meat and adventure, but it's also accessible to all with various other food options available. At its core, it’s an opportunity for men of all ages to connect over a unique dining experience. We often source the game naturally, through hunting and trapping, facilitated by community members like Nick Robeson, who helps manage pest control and saves the meat for our annual feast. Chef Paul also contributes his culinary skills, making it a collaborative effort.
This year, we were thrilled to have around 80 attendees. It wasn't just the food that drew the crowd; it was the powerful message shared by our guest speaker, Jason Hubbard, which resonated deeply with everyone present. These gatherings aren’t just about enjoying delicious food; they’re a chance for real spiritual nourishment. It’s an environment where men can bond, share their challenges, and remind each other of God’s grace in our lives.
One memorable moment this year was when a gentleman shared that he attended because a close friend, who had recently passed and always came to these dinners, had encouraged him to come. It was a poignant reminder of the personal connections and the emotional depth that these events can foster within our community.
For anyone interested in contributing or participating in the culinary side of our next event, we welcome you to reach out and join us. It's a wonderful opportunity to engage with the community and witness firsthand the blend of fellowship and faith.
Mark Brunty,
Men's Ministry Leader