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May 4, 2024

Women Uplifting Women

A Memorable Spring Prayer Breakfast


n May 2nd we had our first Women’s Breakfast of the year.  We have these twice a year, in the Spring and Fall and try to stay within 9:00-11:00.    This last Spring Breakfast we had three ladies give their testimonies about  ‘how they met the Lord, how they’ve seen Him work in their lives and how other Godly women came into their life to mentor them’.  Deanna Hutchison, Ashley Burkhammer and Ashley Eplin did a great job and the women really enjoyed listening to their stories.  

Sometimes we women experience things and think that we are alone in our journey.  Coming and hearing the testimonies or a speaker, women can find out that they are not alone and that there are people who can come alongside them to pray with them, encourage them, share stories with them to get them to the end of their wanderings.  We have had other speakers come in and talk to the women, for example,  we had an author from the church, who has written several books, come and share.  

We usually have between 40-60 women except our Mother and Daughter Breakfast last year, we had over 70 women.  We always have breakfast and then we take time to encourage, mentor and build up our women.  

My heart is for our women.  Many times women are taking care of others and never take the time or have an opportunity to be taken care of.  These breakfasts are just another way that Community Church can look after our own ladies.  

I have a great team of decorators, cooks and organizers.  I am so thankful that God is in the middle of everything that we do.  

Paula Magenau,

Event Coordinator

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