ednesday nights are for everyone, from adult to nursery but let’s talk about our Wednesday Night Kids Clubs for boys and girls for a few minutes.
They are a big deal here at Community Church where we have about 30ish kids and volunteers attending every week during the school year. We teach archery, learn how to start a fire, sew a stuffed animal and more, all around teaching them about Jesus Christ.
We just closed out the year with a night of picnic, kickball and bonfire where the whole family was invited. All had a great time.
Wednesday Nights are so different from other times we might come to church. Sunday morning is more of a polished/formal time but here we are casual and comfortable. It is a place where questions are asked and answered about God and the Bible. Some people think that they would not fit-in Sunday mornings but will come on Wednesday nights with no problem. It is actually a bridge to invite people to Sunday morning.
In the Fall we will start up again on September 4, the Wednesday after Labor Day, with classes for 3-5 year olds, K and 1st, and 2nd to 5th grades. There is also a nursery care to support adult community groups too. Wednesday nights are for everyone.
I told a friend of mine once that the Wed Night programs at this church were so different. They asked me how it was different but the only thing I could tell them was the volunteers love on our kids like I have never seen before.
Like I said, Come one, Come all.
Todd Hixenbaugh,
Children's Ministry Director