his year, for the first time, we had a celebration of America combined with thanking God for our freedoms we have here in America. "Let Freedom Ring".
We honored our Veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Some of these Veterans were family members from Community Church and some were dear friends. Honoring them and thanking God for our freedoms that this country has was our reason for gathering on Sunday evening of Memorial Day Weekend.
There were about 250-300 people singing songs like ‘You’re a Grand Old Flag’ and 'God Bless America’. We also sang hymns. It was not like a Sunday morning as there was no choir. Instead we had an ensemble led by Denver Beirman. His family immigrated from Germany back around World War I. They knew what it was like to appreciate new found freedoms. Right after college, he formed a band called Denver and the Mile High Orchestra. They traveled all over, celebrating America. They were on America’s Got Talent TV show and came in second place. The original band has since gone its separate ways.
When I invited Denver here, I told him that I would find some talented musicians for him. This group had very little time to practice together but did a great job.
Our efforts to show how great America is, does not stop here. Looking forward to the 4th of July, we will have a vocal concert. Our country seems topsy-turvy right now and gathering together to celebrate is one way that we can feel proud of our country. It is important to bring church and community together, reaching out to believers and unbelievers and use these events to touch unsaved friends. Community Church is lucky to have many different ministries to draw people to God (Trunk or Treat, Preschool, Good News Club) and this is a great addition to that list.
Dave Schroyer
Worship Ministries Pastor