e recently embarked on an ambitious project to celebrate the Fourth of July, inspired by our successful Memorial Day concert. The idea was to create something equally grand, and that's how the "This Flag of Freedom Stands" concert was born. Initially, I wasn’t very enthusiastic, but the thought of bringing something new to our community was compelling.
With less preparation time than I'd like, in order to pull it off we needed to find an existing patriotic package to combine with our choir. We knew about Majestic Voice, who performed at the Encore Christmas party, and some of our choir members were part of it. Hal Wright promised 40 singers, and I gathered 30 more from our choir. Word spread, and soon, more people wanted to join. We pulled it all together in just four rehearsals, making it the largest choir event we’ve ever hosted.
Unlike Memorial Day, this concert featured only voices, no instruments. We had 75 singers on stage, including our choir and Majestic Voice. Christian Senko, who has done dramatic performances for us in the past, also joined us. The community's response was overwhelming. We had to bring in extra folding chairs and still ended up with standing room only.
The involvement of our veterans group was crucial. They not only bought flags but also formed the color guard, adding a personal touch to the event. This concert wasn’t just about singing; it was a community effort and a reminder of our church’s mission. We aim to reach out to people, share our message, and invite them to be part of our church family.
The main mission of this event was to connect with our community, introduce who we are, and extend invitations to other choir events and Sunday services. It served as a wonderful outreach opportunity, allowing those unfamiliar with our church to experience our fellowship and warmth.
Overall, the concert was a resounding success. It showed the strength of our community and the power of coming together. We're already looking forward to planning the next big event, hoping to keep this spirit alive and growing.
Dave Shroyer,
Worship Ministries Pastor