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July 21, 2024

Living a Sustainable Life

Homesteading Group


ommunity Church has just started a Homesteading Group.  This is our first year and I love that we already have a garden that is producing vegetables, enough to share.  

My dream started when I was taking the membership class to join the church.  I was asked what I would like to be involved in and I wanted to say Gardening.  Someone once asked me what gardening had to do with church so I was a little leary of my answer.  I didn’t shy away and here we are, about six months later with a garden back behind the church.  

I started asking around to see if anyone else was interested in planting and maintaining a garden.  We have six people now that come out on Saturdays to work in the garden.  But before this, we had lumber and other supplies donated to start our project. Wood, metal, fencing and seeds have all been given to us so we have had to spend very little out of our own pockets.    

On Sunday mornings in the Lobby you can see a table set up with our excess veggies that we are sharing with our church family. God has been good to us so far.  I think that gardening symbolizes God’s abundance.  He takes that little seed and brings us food to eat.  

My husband and I have belonged to a Homesteading Group for a few years now.  We’ve learned about gardening, raising animals for food, even things like changing the oil in our own car.  There is also a Homeschool Co-Op part to our group.  We are interested in a simple life and one that is sustainable. Inviting people to work in the garden who do not attend our church is a nice outreach too.  We have a few already who come from mine and Jordon’s Homesteading Group.  

What is next for our Homesteading Group at Community Church?  We are not sure.  If anyone would like to join our group, you are welcomed.  Just contact me and I will be glad to let you know when and where our next meeting is.  

Rochelle Bridges

Group Leader

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