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November 2, 2024

A Walk in Faith

Our First Ladies Fall Hike


his fall, our women’s ministry hosted its first official Ladies Fall Hike at Silver Creek Park on November 2nd. It was supposed to rain but I believe that God kept the drops away so that we could have such a special time of fellowship and enjoying God’s creation. We’d tried to get this off the ground last year but we did not get the outing publicized early enough and ladies were not able to come. This year, it all came together.

The idea for the hike came from wanting a simple event that could bring women of all ages together—something affordable, family-friendly, and easy to participate in. That’s why we opened it up to moms, kids, and even dogs! About 12 women joined us, along with a few little ones. The group enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day, though it was a bit chilly at first. It was the perfect backdrop for our relaxed one mile-long walk.

The trail was gorgeous, with vibrant fall trees, a peaceful pond, and a few geese flying overhead. While we didn’t spot much wildlife, the scenery itself was such a blessing. To make things even better, we wrapped up with donuts, hot cider, and cocoa (after a quick cocoa rescue from my husband, who brought the forgotten packets!).

A highlight of the day was Peggy Perdue’s nature talk on barn owls. She shared amazing insights into how God intricately designed these creatures. Their face feathers are in a unique shape to help them hear in a way that they are able to catch a mouse 100% of the time in the pitch dark. It was a wonderful reminder of God’s creativity.

We also “adopted” a lady we met on the trail who joined in on our walk. It was an unexpected but delightful addition!  We hadn’t planned the hike to be an outreach to other women but apparently God did.

Overall, the hike was a success. It was laid-back, fun, and uplifting. We’re already planning for next year!

Theresa Keleman

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