his year our Missions Month looked a little different. In past years, Missions Month was a single, large event on one Sunday. This year we had about ten different local missionaries we support come to speak to our Sunday Community Groups as well as in our worship services on Sunday mornings each week throughout the month. The Mission Board felt it was important for our church to see the faces behind the Missions that they support. Many give their money to the missions but maybe have never met a missionary or have been given the opportunity to ask questions to find out what the missions are all about.
Our missionaries went from classroom to classroom telling stories and educating our congregation. We heard trials and successes and I feel that now our people can pray more specifically for the missions.
Our Mission Board has many different responsibilities and informing people is just one. We plan fiscally 4-5 years in advance to make sure that we have the money to support the missionaries and their families. In the fall of each year, we send out Faith Promise Letters to our members asking them to commit to giving a set amount for the Missionaries. We also receive 10% of the General Fund for Missions. All this together tells us how much we can commit to sending to our local and international missionaries.
Feedback for missions month this year was very positive. Christ has called us all to be missionaries but only a certain few are called to Go. Please be praying for our missionaries and consider how you can help support them. If you are interested in joining our Missions Board, please contact us and then we will interview you and get you on our team.
Eric Bacher
Missions Board Member